Friday 30 September 2016

What is Zina?

Zina is having prohibited sexual intercourse
(outside matrimonial home or before Nikkah)
which is illegal in Islam.

What are the causes of Zina?
- having too much highly socialised male friends.
-Islamic illiteracy.

What are the effects of Zina?
-destroys a girl's life/name.
-disobedient to Allah
-having low Islamic background.
-putting a dirt inside a female's womb.
-disvirgin a female.
-disgracing your family, religion and future.
-life destruction
-punishment from Allah unless you seek
forgiveness from Him.

Prevention of Zina
-by holding your dignity in school or home or anywhere in the society.
-stop using excessive websites/videos and photos.
-stop dealing with boyfriends/ girlfriends that talk to you in bad manner or by touching your body.
-have self respect.
-stop interaction with bad boys/ girls .
-stop attending nightclubs.
-by knowing the good ones in the society.
-stop going to unsecured places alone .
-dress decently, maturely, respectfully and also Islamically.
-advice one another.

Lets fight against Zina. Zina pushes one to many atrocities... May Allah guide and
protect us all, Ameen ya Rabbi

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