Friday 30 September 2016


Quran' chapter 4 verse 3 (suratu-nisai)
.........فانكحواماطاب لكم من النساء مثن وثلث وربع........ 
.............marry 2, or 3, or 4. But if u are are afraid of justice amongst ur wives,,,then marry one.
Qur'an chapter 4 verse 128
ولن تستطيعواان تتعدلوا بين النساءولوحرصتم فلاتميلواكل الميل........... 
U will not be able to do justice (( interms of LOVE//FEELINGS ))among ur wives, even if u strive to do so. But do not turn completely (openly) for only one of them.............

Justice in this verse is not interms of LOVE but interms of shelter,feeding, dresses,children etc etc etc.

1. Birth rate statistics shows dat 65% of birth are girls and only 35% are boys.
2. Did u ever go to schools? ( primary,secondary,tertiary ),,the ratio of male : female is approximately 35:65
3. Death rate statistics shows dat male 60%, female 40%. Accident claims more male than female due to struggle for survival. Plus other ways.
4. Did u ever compare the physical outlook of a man of 45 years with a female of 45 years? Who among them look seriously younger?
I remember hadith of d prophet Muhammad SAW
لايومن اهدكم حتى يحب لاخه ما يحب النغسه
U are not a believer, EXCEPT u love for ur fellow what u love for Urself
1. What will happen to the remaining population of females, if every man should  marry only one wife?
2. If u give birth to 5 female children, and u also have very plenty sisters who are yet to marry. WHO WILL MARRY them.
3. If a woman got married to a man at d age say 20-25. And d husband eventually died 5 years after their marriage. Is that how d woman will die without remarriage?
My brother//sister in slam,,, we should fear Allah and love for others what we love for ourselves.

U can not stick to only one wife when u are blessed to some extent to marry 2, or 3, or 4,,, OR WOMEN THAT ARE TROUBLING THEIR HUSBAND NOT TO MARRY ANOTHER WIFE,,,and yet u expect ur daughters to get married with ease.

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