Friday 30 September 2016

Rare & Old Pictures of 'Hajj' !

                                  Rare & Old Pictures of Hajj (1953)
                Pilgrims arriving in 'Makkah'!
A Sign you see upon entering 'Makkah' !
                              This is Mina ! 
 Shaving the head !
 'Jamaa’rat' !
The 'Uhdiya' being distributed to the poor !
The Incredible 'Kaa’ba' {!!!}
The Pilgrims performing 'Ta’waf ' !

 Entrance to the Masjid.
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நசுறுதீன் பாபாவின் பாடல் - My3 Winning song (Video)

Least number of Hajis this year-Least number of Hajis this year 2016

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