Thursday 15 September 2016


'Kibr' and 'Kufr' of Shaytaan... 
 Kibr (pride/arrogance) & Kufr (disbelief) are 'Mutalaziman'.

 meaning the former necessarily leads to the latter
 and such was the case of Shaytan as Allaah says in the  'Qur`aan'...

'And (remember) when We said to the Angels, 'Prostrate yourselves before Adam.' 

And they prostrated except Iblees, he refused and was proud and was one of the disbelievers (Kuffar).'[Source:-'Quran'-Surat al-Baqarah(2): A 
# 34]

The Messenger of Allah (sallalalhu `alaihi wa-sallam) described pride saying:

 'Pride is dissatisfaction with the truth, and belittling the people.'

[Source:- Saheeh Muslim]
 Iblees openly expressed his pride when he refused to obey the Command of Allaah, questioned His Wisdom and belittled Adam (alaihis-salaam).
When, Allaah questioned Iblees, 

'What prevented you (O Iblees) that you did not prostrate, when I commanded you ?’
Iblees said:  'I am better than him Adam You created me from fire, and him You created from clay.'[Source:-Quran (7): A # 12]
So, Allaah dismissed Iblees, He said:
 '(O Iblees) get down from this (Paradise)'
and next He, [the Exalted] mentioned the reason for it in His Saying: 
 ' it is not for you to be arrogant here.' 

Imam Ibnul-Qayyim~(r) said...  ...while explaining the categories of 'Kufr'

'The major 'Kufr' is of Five (5) kinds,

#1/~Kufr of denial.

#2/ ~Kufr of Arrogance and Pride.

#3~ Kufr of Aversion.

 #4/~Kufr of Doubt .

#5/~Kufr of Hypocrisy .

(2). …Concerning the Kufr of Arrogance and Pride:
 It was the Kufr of Shaytan because he did not deny the Command of Allah, or reject it but he met it with pride and arrogance. From this (type of Kufr) is the Kufr of those who knew and believed that Allah's Messenger (sallalalhu `alaihi wa-sallam) has come with the truth from Allaah but did not acknowledge it out of pride and arrogance.

It is the 'Kufr' of the Jews (3), 'then when there came to them that which they had recognized, they disbelieved in it.'
 [Source:-Madaarijus-Salikeen, 1/364-367]
 So, the reason behind the expelling of Iblees was pride and Allaah does not like the arrogant because a proud person considers himself self-sufficient and in no need of Allaah, the Exalted.
Whosoever assumes such is surely seized by the Wrath of Allah...{!}  
The reason for this is that every action in this universe is  due to Allah Alone.

 None possesses the Power to execute anything except Allah.

Every action has a time and place in which it takes place and we posses neither the time nor the place, and none possesses the power to maintain his life even for a moment and none possesses the power to even move from one place to another except with the Will of Allah. 

So how can any man or any creation take pride in anything ?

 Verily, Allaah Alone is 
 'The Irresistible, the Proud…'[Source:-'Quran'~ Surat al-Hashr (59): A # 23].

 The Messenger of Allah (sallalalhu `alaihi wa-sallam) said:
 'Indeed, Allah revealed to me, Humble yourselves 
until none is proud over another and none is oppressive  over another.' [Source:- Saheeh Muslim]

Thus, pride, which is in fact self-praise, is forbidden for the servants of Allah, for each additional thing that one  becomes proud of, builds his ego.

This is witnessed in the behavior of Iblees when he became too proud to obey Allah's Command and said:

 'I am better than he is.' [Source:-'Quran' ~Surat Saad (38)A # 76]

 Allah says in a Qudsi Hadeeth:

'Pride is My Cloak, and Glory is My wrap, so he who competes Me in either of these, I will cast him into the Fire.' [Source:-Musnad Ahmad and Abu Dawood] 
Prophet (sallalalhu `alaihi wa-sallam) said:
 'Allaah will hold the earth on the Day of Resurrection, and fold up the heavens with His right Hand, then say, 'I am the King where are the kings of the earth (where are the tyrants, where are the proud).'[S. Muslim.]

'Renounce the world Allaah will love you ,  Renounce what people possess, people will love you.'[Source:-Ibn Majah]

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Firoun (Video)

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