Thursday 15 September 2016

Casualties in military expeditions in Islam

Research on the evolution of the Islamic System and Community under the leadership of Prophet Muhammad that changed the course of world history was achieved at the cost of 1018 lives over a period of 23 years! Here are some facts to ponder:
  1. Number of Military Defense Expeditions: 80, the Prophet participated in about 27 of them and a small number did not even involve any fighting.
  2. Number of Muslims who died in battle 259.
  3. Number of non-Muslims – mostly pagans – was 759.
Contemporary Muslim writers and speakers point with pride to the fact that this number is dwarfed by:
  1. The 13 million who died during the Russian Revolution of 1917 and the 20 million killed by Stalin,
  2. The thousands who were killed in the French Revolution and the Thousands who died in the American Civil war
  3. Thousands killed in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
We Muslims like these comparisons because it gratifies our pride. However, there is another comparison that many of us, Muslims, are silent about. That is the number of people who died in Islamic liberation efforts over the years and what was achieved? Of course no one wants the pain of such an admonishing fact but it is important to educate ourselves about this issue. Following are some facts to reflect on.
The 20th Century has seen grand “Islamic” revolutionary movements, great “holy wars” in the Muslim world. Here is the cost:
  1. Two and a half million dead in the Algerian War of Liberation and independence
  2. 500,000 killed in the independence struggle of East Pakistan – now Bangladesh,
  3. 10 million lives lost in the formation of the Muslim state of Pakistan.
  4. Several Million people have died for Islam in Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Palestine, Syria, Yemen and various other countries.
And for all these sacrifices very little was realized!
At the cost of 1018 lives, the revolution that was started during the time of Prophet Muhammad sparked a renaissance that changed the world. While the “Islamic” movements of modern times have yielded little achievement.
At the age of 40 the Prophet was commissioned to become the final prophet and messenger of God. Through Muhammad God convoyed his final and complete message that included all the prior messages to mankind in the Holy Quran. The divine message that Muhammad was asked to promote was at a time when Arabia was drenched in uncivilized practices and despair. e.g.
  1. The rich were getting richer and the poor were getting poorer and slavery was the order of the day,
  2. The most fertile lands and border settlements of Arabia was occupied by the Byzantine / Romans and by the Persian Sassanid’s, and
  3. The Kaabaa – the first house ever built to worship and glorify Allah – God – was full of over 370 idols.
God could have revealed to Prophet Muhammad:
  • Ya Muhammad – Start a social revolution by which assets are taken from the rich and given to the poor….but He almighty, did not do that!
  • Ya Muhammad – prepare a popular uprising to liberate the lands of Arabia from the occupiers …did He do that? The answer is no!
  • Ya Muhammad – start a military campaign and fight the unbelieving pagans in order to recapture the Kaabaa and clean it out of the idols … did he do that? The answer is no!
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