Wednesday 19 October 2016


This is so STRANGE why ?.

I checked one page on Facebook our bothers where busy in argument with Christians about the age of our Mother Aisha (R.A) and many of us can't defend our selves on this issue but lemme
make it clear.
-while the disbelievers were busy calling HIM(Prophet PBUH) a pedophile.

-the muslims were busy faulting sahih bukhari so as to "cover-up" the issue.

-the aged were like: that's extremism.
Aisha radiAllahu anha said, I was given in marriage to the rasul salallahu alayhi wassalam when I was 6yrs old, and he
consummated the marriage when I was 9 ( bukhari)
Rather than call it a da'eef hadith, to please ur non-muslim friends who are insulting ur rasool, just be silent,or ask the scholars and
read more about seerah and perhaps Allah may grant u d hikmah behind it.
Have u ever asked urself?
Why is it that during the days of quraysh, they called the rasul:
Magician, madman, and the likes but NEVER called him a pedophile?
They never raised any question about his marriage to Aisha (R.A), why?
Bcoz it was NORMAL at that time, girls at dat age were suitable for marriage at dat time, did u know:
-saint augustine (350AD) married a 10 year old girl!
-king richard 11 (1400AD) he married a 7yr old girl.
-henry Viii (1500AD) he married a 5yrs old girl.
Even in the BIBLE it says:
....But save for yourself every girl who has never slept with a man (numbers 31. 17:28),and Anna a prophetess got married at the age of 7 years (Luke 2:36)

According to the catholic encyclopedia, mary the mother of Jesus was 12 when she married the 99 years old joseph.
Before 1929, church of england ministers could marry 12yrs old girls in Britain.
Up till 1983, catholic canon laws permitted priests to marry off brides at the age of 12.
In the united states, back in 1880, in the state of delaware, the minimum age for marriage was 7yrs and in california it was 10.
So aisha radiAllahu anha was NOT a child when she was married!
We live in a society where good is condemned at every slight opportunity but evil is encouraged even when its flaws are crystal clear.

How strange
The Nigerian constitution says:
An 18yrs old can vote
An 18yrs old can go to jail
An 18yrs old can contest for political positions
An 18yrs old can travel outside d country all alone.
And YET, an 18yrs old can't marry?
But our 12yrs old Girls are having boyfriends !

Did u know?.
When safiyyah bint huyay was married to the rasul,
she was just 17yrs old? And that was her THIRD marriage
She was initially married to salam ibn abi haqiq and later to kinanah ibn abi haqiq!.

Imagine how old she was during her first marriage?

Are u clarified now?
those still doubtful, Go back to ur village and ask ur grandmother how old she was when she got married!.

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