Wednesday 12 October 2016


Prophet (saws) said, “Two blessings which many people do not make the most of: good health & spare time.” [Bukhari]

1. Think of Allah before you take any action - This will stop you from doing anything Allah dislikes.

2. Say Bismillah before everything - wearing clothes, switching lights on & off, eating, studying, driving, etc.

3. Take a minute out to make Dua after every Athan.

4. Keep your lips moist with constant Dhikr of Allah - Praise Allah in every action: SubhanAllah, Alhumdulillah, Allah hu Akbar, etc.

5. Perform the Sunnah & Nawafil Salaat as much as possible... Find time to pray extras, such as Salatul-Duha/Ishraaq, Qiyaamul-layl/Tahajjud.

6. Listen to the Quraan in Car, Cooking, cleaning & spare time, etc.

7. Recite Quraan every day after Salatul Fajr & read its meaning to understand... Even if just a page or few lines.

8. Repent to Him (swt) for your mistakes & sins every passing minute with Istighfaar.

9. Give Sadaqah daily, even if 1 Riyal or a Dollar!

10. Try to atleast fast Mondays & Thursdays.

11. Give yourself some time alone a day & think about Death & Akhirah... Make Dhikr.

12. Become a serious Student of this Deen. Try to make it to the next Islamic class, Halaqa, gathering.

13. Study the history of Islam. The Seerah, learn of the great scholars & warriors who died with Allah on their lips & Islam in their hearts.

14. Spend more time reading Islamic books, especially on Aqeedah, Hadith & Fiqh.

15. Download & listen to lectures on your Mobile, in Car, on Laptop.

16. Take the time to understand what's going on in the Muslim world today. Do your part to get involved, even if with just Dua's.

17. Lower your Gaze always - Avoid looking at unlawful pictures, whether they be from TV, magazines, or otherwise.

18. Don't just criticize if you dislike something you see, do your part to change it - Stand up for right, forbid evil & say NO to Gheebah.

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Least number of Hajis this year-Least number of Hajis this year 2016

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