Tuesday 23 August 2016

Qurbaani Laws Made Easy - Part 3

Generally, it is a custom to look at the teeth of the animal for Qurbaani at the time of buying the animal. In Shari’ah, consideration is given to age and calculated by examination. This has been discussed under ‘the ages of animals’.
It is not permissible to make Qurbaani of an animal that eats dirt and filth until and unless it is tied (kept in a confined area). If the animal is tied for a few days and is fed fodder, and it is prevented from roaming freely so that it does not put dirt and filth in its mouth, then it will be valid to slaughter it for Qurbaani. If it is a camel, then it should be tied for forty days. If it is a cow or bull, then for twenty days and a goat should be kept confined and fed fodder for ten days. 
It is Makruh (disliked) to take benefit
It is Makruh to take benefit from the Qurbaani animal. According to the authentic view, this ruling applies to the wealthy and the poor person.
#…..It is not permissible to slaughter a horse, chicken, deer etc. because it is not proven from Rasulullaah (SAW) neither by action or word.
If an animal is so weak that there is no marrow left in its bones, then it is not valid to use it for Qurbaani. However, if it is not so weak and it can walk, then it will be valid to use it for Qurbaani. 
#…..It is not valid to make Qurbaani of such a lean, weak animal in whose bones there is no marrow – to such an extent that it cannot walk to the place of slaughter.
#…..If the animal is not so lean, then there is no problem with it being lean, it will be permissible to use this animal for Qurbaani. It is however much better to make Qurbaani of a fat healthy animal.
#…..It is not valid to make Qurbaani of an animal that is so lame that it can only walk with three legs, it cannot put the fourth leg on the ground, or it can put the fourth leg on the ground but it cannot put its body weight on it. 
If the animal places its fourth foot on the ground, and it takes support from it, but it limps, then Qurbaani of it is valid. 
#…..It is not permissible to make Qurbaani of such an animal that is so lame that it cannot walk to the place of slaughter.
It is not permissible to slaughter a chicken for Qurbaani. There is no verbal or practical proof for this from Rasulullaah (SAW).
It is not valid to make Qurbaani of a white antelope. The Qurbaani animals are specified by the Shari’ah. Analogy has no place in it. Only three types of animals are specified for Qurbaani. The first type is male and female Camel, the second is male and female goats, rams ewes, and the third type is cows, bulls, oxen and buffaloes. It is not permissible to slaughter any other type of animal. It is also conditional that the animals should not be wild but it should be tame and used to humans.
It is permissible to sell an animal by weight where the animals are sold by weight because there is less deception in it and inexperienced people will be saved from loss.
A deer is Halaal. It is permissible to eat of its meat, but it is from among the wild animals and it is not permissible to make Qurbaani of wild animals. For this reason, it is not permissible to make Qurbaani of a male or female deer. There is no difference if it is tamed or not.
It is not conditional for the slaughtered animal to be Halaal that the slaughterer should be someone who can see. The slaughtered animal of a blind Muslim is Halaal and it is permissible to eat the meat, although it is better to let a person who is not blind to slaughter so that he can see whether the slaughtering was done properly.
#…..If a person made a bequest that Qurbaani should be made from his wealth and passed away, then it is compulsory to give all the meat to the poor and needy. It is not permissible for the wealthy to eat of a Qurbaani animal that was made out of fulfilling a vow.
#….. It is permissible to castrate an animal in order to improve its condition, to make it healthier or with the intention of any other benefit. If the process of castration is not for some beneficial purpose but merely for fun, it is Haraam to do so. 
#…..If the children are immature, then Qurbaani is not compulsory upon them.
#….. It is not the responsibility of a father to make Qurbaani on behalf of his matured children. If matured children are wealthy, they should make their own Qurbaani or give permission to the father to do so on their behalf. A father can make Qurbaani of matured children with their permission.

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