Wednesday 23 March 2016

Raha Mouharrak , First Saudi woman to climb the Mount Everest

All around the world there are huge Mountains o several heights , however there are very few people who are actually brave and determined enough to reach the top of these mountains . There are mountain climbing enthusiast all around the world and some of them have scaled the most difficult and highest mountain peaks in the world . When we hear about a Saudi woman , the first thing that comes to mind is conservative, love to shop and many Saudi women show a knack towards physical activities and sports of any kind , may be except on the computer and smart Phone .
However these next young woman that I am about to tell you has not only climbed the tallest mountain on earth i.e Mount Everest , but she being a Saudi woman has broken all cliched stereotype and any doubt about Saudi women has just become the first and youngest Saudi women ever to reach the very top the world must have . Raha Mouharrak A 29 years old Saudi woman ever to reach the very top of the great mount Everest . Mouharrak trained extremely hard in order to complete her quest to reach the top of the world's tallest mountains . As mentioned earlier Saudi Arabian society is conservative one , and it took a lot of convincing by the by young girl in order for the family of Mouharrak to allow her to start climbing .
During her expectation to the top , she was along side of a Pakistani man and a member of Royal family of Qatar. Mouharrak stated that she is a Saudi woman and has done something which not like of men can dare to do . She adds that she faced lot of discouragements :how ever she has nothing but support from her parents  Mouharrak had faced some hard times too as the local community or society did not except this act .
Right from the moment his family agreed , they were complelty supportive of her .Mouharrak stated that she doesn't t care about being the first , however she does want to other people to continue after her and  be inspired by her. Mouharrak stated that she did not want to break the gender barrier in her region . Raha was adamant on changing the image of the Saudi women in front of the rest of the world and also the image of Saudi women have about themselves . Ever since realizing she wanted to  make a change . Raha has been holding various inspirational seminars and motivational speaches in front of large gatherings , in which she shared her experience. She is also Studying her MBA degree at the Synergy university campus located in Dubai is specializing in women's leadership .
Raha Mouharrak has been residing in the UAE for quite some time and now and she is curencty also working as graphic designer . She parted with the following message ; Its truly amazing how one single moment, occurrence or things can change one's life to such an extent 

Source : Life in Saudi  

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